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3 Tips for Dealing with Your Pet's Digestive Issues

1. Harmless Harvest Coconut Water, great for hydrating the body.

2. Organic Raw Pulverized Zucchini & Celery adds much needed nutrients to the body.  The minerals from the zucchini and sodium from the celery

3. Tea Recipe with Organic Fennel Seeds, Organic Ginger, Organic Caraway Seeds and Organic Anise Seeds (See attached magic tea recipe for dogs) This tea has been magic for calming Sonnie’s stomach.  It immediately relieves the gas and calms the muscle spasms down.

The Magic Tea Recipe

Make this tea for your dog which will help calm the nerves in your dog's gut: 

Add to some spring water a teaspoon of fennel, anise, caraway seeds and a few pieces of fresh organic ginger.  Boil for five minutes and when the tea is warm not hot, give to your dog.  Use a syringe to help get this tea into your dog or add to your dog's food.  

Fennel treats gas and spasms of the digestive tract. Caraway and anise are sweet herbs that reduce spasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Remove the seeds from the tea, you can keep the seeds in the fridge after you pour the water for the tea to make a second tea with the same seeds.  4 to 5 tablespoons a day is enough. 

I store the tea once it’s at room temperature in a mason jar in the fridge then I warm up a little every morning to have through-out the day.


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*The statements and information on this website have not been evaluated bythe FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The material on this site is provided for educational and informational purposes only and must not be taken as “medical advice”. The information and directions in these writings, individually and collectively, are in no way to be considered as a substitute for consultations with a duly licensed physician regarding diagnosis and/or treatment of disease and are not intended to diagnose or treat any disease.  Please consult with your doctor for this advice.

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