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Your Pet’s Skin Problems: Itching

The skin does a great deal more than just hold bones, muscles, and organs in place. It acts as a barrier against environmental pollutants, contaminants, and harmful bacteria. More than just a protective covering, the skin—the largest organ of the body—is able to rid itself of toxins that are not excreted through urine or fecal matter.

As you read this article, keep in mind that the body doesn't make mistakes. All the heat and itching is for a reason. Just like having diarrhea or fever is the body's mechanism to kill or get rid of germs and detoxify, there are reasons for itching and heat in the animal’s skin.

The following information is what I found to be the most logical explanation of why drugs and harmful creams should not be used to suppress any severe itching.

Henry Bieler, MD, in his book "Food is Your Best Medicine" said that he always explained to his patients that skin problems are the result of dietary mistakes and exposure to toxins. He said that when the normal chemistry of digestion is upset because of unhealthy eating habits, toxins are stagnated in the blood which can impair the filters and eliminative organs, chief of which are the kidneys, liver, bowels, and skin. He explained that skin problems like itching and sores are a "terrific attempt" by the body to get rid of toxins since the normal channels of elimination such as the liver and kidneys are no longer functioning well. If the bile poisons in the blood come out through the skin, an animal can experience various irritations of the skin and itching is one of these irritations. The itching is necessary so the poisons can come out of the skin. Thus, the skin is substituting for the liver, or a vicarious elimination is occurring through the skin.

He describes itching as a hypersecretion of the thyroid gland. He said that this gland, located at the base of the neck, controls all functions of the body’s three layers of skin: the outer skin, the inner skin and the middle skin. The normal function of the outer skin is to exhale gases, sweat out water and certain toxic salty substances and oil itself and its hair with special oil glands. The vicarious elimination, which results from forcefully exuding gases, acid sweat, and toxic oils and greases through the outer skin (can be the cause of) chronic skin problems. Therefore, skin diseases are really signs of toxic irritation. To stop skin irritation, the detoxification system must be brought under control through diet changes and complete elimination of offending toxins a dog maybe exposed to.

Itching as Henry Bieler explains in his book is a "terrific attempt" by the body to get the toxins out of the body. So, itching leading to skin lesions that become infected is nothing more than channels of elimination to remove toxins out of the body. This will only stop when the natural channels of elimination (liver, kidneys and intestinal tract) function properly.

How to help your dog’s skin improve fast? A 100% raw organic food diet can speed up the detoxification process. Organic veggies, fruits, raw meats plus organic whole food supplements will speed up the detoxification system healing process. In addition, giving your dog probiotics and digestive enzymes can reduce itching.

Having the intellectual understanding of this process is going to make you understand why your dog may experience intense itching and skin heat or inflammation.

If you’d like more information on how to convert your dog over to a wholefood diet, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Wishing you and your pet extraordinary health.

Reference: Donia Alawi, Pet’s Health


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